Generate a data report according to specified format. 按照规定的格式生成数据报衷。
For example, you can create a sales order data report that repeats a single sales order table multiple times, once for each employee. 例如,您可以创建一个针对每个雇员重复一次某个销售订单表的销售订单数据报表。
Simple example to help those who have never used data report. 包括了一个简单的示例来帮助从未使用数据报表的人。
The common data report and management system that developed on this basis shows fine security and network adaptive capacity, and has already got applications in. 在此基础上开发的通用数据上报和管理系统具有更好的安全性和网络适应能力,已经在多个国家级科技计划项目信息管理系统中得到应用。
Search on XML-Based Data Interchange Mechanism and Its Application in Anti-Money Laundering Data Report System 基于XML的数据交换机制的研究及其在反洗钱数据上报系统中的应用
Maintain HR information system and provide timely and accurate data report and analysis for management decision. 维护人力资源信息系统和提供定期准确的数据报告以及对管理决策的分析。
So we extend the IDMEF to support audit data report, detection rules distribution, response instruction, and cooperative analysis in the system. 另外,我们对IDMEF进行了扩展,以支持系统中审计数据上报、规则发布、响应指令、协作分析等要求。
Data report making and sharing system of regional automatic weather station in Liaoning province Responsible for management of documents and records related to QMS. 区域自动气象站资料报表制作与共享系统负责质量保证体系运行中文件资料、质量记录的统一管理。
Design and Implementation of Data Report Platform in Group Enterprise 集团企业数据报送平台的设计与实现
Preliminary data report nationwide coverage of99.3%. 初步数据报告表明,全国范围的覆盖情况为99.3%。
By using related database technique, historic database is created automatically in order to realize the historic data inquiry in the form of historic curve and data report. 利用相关数据库知识,自动生成了历史数据库,以历史曲线和数据报表的形式完成了历史数据查询。
All kinds of technologies use in developing the system are given, especially the technology of Matlab embedded in VB and the technology of dynamic data report making. 文中给出了系统开发时用到的各种技术,尤其是重点介绍了Matlab在VB环境下的嵌入技术以及VB环境下的动态报表生成技术。
The multi-dimensional data report form realization is one several basic questions. 多维数据报表的实现也是商务智能系统中几个基本问题之一。
The Microsoft Excel data processing way has provided the formidable support for the data report. microsoftexcel的计算和数据展示方式为数据报表提供了强大的支持。
The Design and Implementation of the Object-Oriented Data Report System in the Application Systems Based on Struts Architecture 基于Struts架构的应用系统中对象型数据报表系统的设计与实现
The Output of Complex Data Report Based on VB and EXCEL 基于VB和EXCEL的复杂数据报表输出
In this paper we discuss a software of the applying for the measurement of electric energy. This system concludes the function of configuration, data acquisition, data report, curve display, user management and computer telecommunication. 介绍了一种用于电能计量的应用开发软件,该系统具有组态软件、数据采集、曲线显示、数据报表、用户管理、计算机通信等功能。
This paper presents the method of creating reports with data report designer and data environment designer. 介绍在VB6.0中用数据环境设计器和数据报表设计器创建报表的方法。
The developed system can automatically compute house architectural area and apportionment of area for each floor of each building and can print the related data report and drawing. 该系统可自动计算各楼层套内建筑面积和分摊面积,打印相关数据和图形,自动生成规范化了的房测计算报告书。
The major functions of this information system include data input, data storage, data query, data statistics, data analysis, data report, map data management and display, and multimedia link etc. 系统主要功能包括:数据录入、数据存储、数据查询、数据统计、数据分析、数据报表、图形数据组织、显示与管理、多媒体链接等。
The implementation of a word data report in the automatic testing 自动化测试中WORD数据报表的实现
This paper discusses the data report designer applied in multi-structure, and gives an example of how to dram simple data report. 本文探讨了数据报表设计器DataReportDesigner在多层结构中的应用,并给出了一个制作简单数据报表的实例。
The system based database of checking and accepting ore, control point database, mining engineer Detail Survey database and project drawing database. The system can make many data report forms, can statistic data demanded and output the result list. 管理系统建立了矿量验收数据库、控制点数据库、采掘工程碎部测量数据库、工程图形库等,能制作多种数据报表,可以按任意形式进行数据查询统计并输出结果表。
The Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented Data Report System Based on J2EE Platform 基于J2EE的面向对象型数据的报表系统的设计与实现
In the last part, this paper structures the calculation model of the DSS data report form of the bank, designs algorithm metadata, uses a lot of components to realize the data report form. 最后,本文构建了银行决策支持系统数据报表的计算模型,设计了算法元数据,并应用多个构件实现了数据报表。
Technology and Implementation of Designing Data Report Form Based on Software Integration 基于软件集成的数据报表设计技术及实现
Excel is a popular tool for data Report forms. Excel是当前流行的数据报表工具。